Launch of Global Development

Dear Friends,
In June, I sent out an exciting announcement about the launch of Global Development, Inc. Global Development is a non-profit ministry that will provide critically important teaching and training to prepare missionaries and pastors around the world for cross-cultural ministry.

Our training programs help ensure that these Christian workers will be more resilient in the face of cross-cultural differences and challenges, while also ensuring that they are more relevant, skillful, and culturally sensitive toward the people groups among whom they live and serve. Additionally, our teaching and training provides an essential element for the spiritual and emotional health of the intercultural Christian worker.
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Jesus and the Stranger

In this blog I wish to discuss the refugee crisis and suggest how we, as followers of Jesus, might develop a missional response.

The front pages of the New York Times over the past year, and even the cover story of the March 2016 Christianity Today, remind us that we are facing the worst humanitarian crisis since WW II. 60 million people are affected, and if we added them up they would represent the 23rd largest country in the world. It’s unbelievable, but it’s reality.

Amidst the clamor, noise, nonsense, and fear about refugees, migrants, and other strangers in our midst, I have been thinking a lot about how Jesus would respond to and treat the Strangers in our nation, in our community, and in our personal lives. Would he build a wall to keep them out? Would he send police into neighborhoods where Muslims predominantly live? Read More